Multi Level Marketing Network

This is a kind invitation to join a fast growing Multi Level  Network Marketing in Malaysia and operating Worldwide. If you opt to join, we will train you about the products and the marketing systems, absolutely free of charge. No gimmics and any hidden costs. Simply straight away you start up a part time income and gradually build up a business of your own.

Your income depends on how much you will work and follow the marketing system. There are memebers who earn over USD 500 and 1000 and even more per month. But let me tell you this is not a money spaming gimmic business. This scheme of performance based income is legal. Products are Halaal and the marketing system is also ethical.

Freelance Job Description

Multi Level Marketing Network gives you a rare opportunity to become a self owned businessmen within short period. You start as a freelance distributor of a Malaysian Company but establish yourself a business without much capital and hassle.

Many members specially women who joined as desperate need to earn, have virtually become entrepreneur's proving the companies slogan Health and Wealth with DXN.

The job involves a little training about Product knowledge and how you implement the Marketing Plan. This will be trained by your sponsor and followed with back office support service.


Company : Established in 1993, producing mainly Ganoderma based products and also other herbal products such as Morinda Citrifolia, Andrographis Paniculata etc., Ganoderma is considered the best 6 forms of Reishi which was picked out of 200 different kind of Reishi which has the foremost curing qualities. Ganoderma is a kind of mushroom which has high ranking in the world of fungi, for centuries the Chinese regard it as the “King of Herbs” for its excellent effect in improving over all health, enhancing stamina, and promoting longevity. Recent medical research has shown that Ganoderma can help normalize the function of the body organs. Ganoderma contains more than 200 active elements which can be categorized as water soluble, organic soluble, and volatile compounds. The major elements include Polysaccharide, Adenosine, and Triterpenoids, Organic germanium, amino acid, sterols, essential fatty acids, each having its own outstanding medicinal values.

The company and its products have been well attested by more than 500,000 members throughout the world. This was introduced to Sri Lanka in 2001 by Magnum Investments (Pvt) Ltd and since then successfully marketed by over 25000 members and have a satisfied clientele over 200,000 people through out the country.


Products : Health Care Food Supplements, Nutritional Beverages & Personal Care Products.

Main Products :
Reishi Gano (RG), Ganocelium (GL), Spirulina Tablets & Cereals,
Lingzhi Coffee, Morinzhi, Ganozhi Tooth Paste, Ganozhi Shampoo, Ganozhi Soap, Massage Oil, Tee Tree Cream, Baby Oil, Aloe Facial Cleansing, etc.,

These products effectively help in

1. Good and long healthy living.
2. Improving general health.
3. Improving Body Functions.
4. Regulating digestive system.
5. Promoting active body resistence to diseases.
6. Healthy glowing and smooth skin.

Ganoderma is not a drug, but compliments the treatment you have to take for an illness. It however detoxifies the body, helps it to get rid of excess residue in chemicals and antibiotics you are compelled to take out remaining in your body.

RG helps repair rejuvenate activate and tune up body organs collectively like an orchesta as well as individually. Just like a Scanner it finds the weak areas and nourishes them. RG also improves you immune system and help improving conditions in unseen illnesses like diabetes, cancer, stroke, cholesterol, cardiac problems, thrombosis, etc.,

Contact us

Email :
SMS : + 94 755 959099